By stimulating points in the channels where subtle energy flows in the body, blockages are resolved and healing can occur more rapidly. Acupuncture does this by inserting very fine thin needles into the points where this subtle energy pools, whereas acupressure does it by applying deep pressure.
Rhea Claudia Nödel is an acupuncturist, herbalist, shiatsu practitioner, teacher, and artist. Rhea’s 40 years in health care have given her extensive experience in the treatment of chronic pain and helping people recover from injury, as well as treating the complex issues confronting people with immune disorders and metabolic dysfunctions. Their practice supports health and wellness for women and children and people going through gender transition.
Rhea's practice of zen meditatio and her training in mindfulness based therapy support a thoughtful approach to help each patient find their way to improved health.
As a martial artist and skateboarder, Rhea is familiar with physical damage and is passionate to help the injured get back on the move.
It is best to come to a treatment wearing comfortable and non-constricting clothing so that you can fully relax and your blood can circulate freely. A short assessment of your health is part of every treatment. This will usually include a reading of your pulses, a look at your tongue, and some questions. During the treatment you will mostly relax and focus on your breathing, although some treatments do involve movement as well.
$ 130 for the initial session
$ 100 for each treatment thereafter
I am a CareFirst provider and can bill them, if your plan covers acupuncture.
Shiatsu: $100
Abell Ave near 31st St, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, United States
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